Black Tie to Blue Jeans
We understand the importance of organization, budgeting, contract negotiations, meeting content, details, and quality. Our planning differs for every event and is consistent with your company’s brand and event theme. We want to make sure your events are truly one of a kind. We will gladly help you select the perfect theme to create your brand’s customized look and message. We have over a decade of experience organizing events in the corporate world and not-for-profit organizations. Our experience is both local and national! We handle everything for you such as city selection, site visitations, itinerary organization, travel logistics, team building activities, hiring guest speakers, menu selections, AV, entertainment, photography, marketing, meeting content, event communications, event decor and more. Here are a few snaps from some of the events we’ve organized!
Some of our clients include:
Tech Excellence
Lucien Diagnostics
West Lake
Penn Future
McCandless for Tomorrow
United States Green Building Council